Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Still playing catch up now the month of February...

The best to be said about February 2013 is that it is over.

A horrible flu bug hit our Jim with a force.  Complications ensued making a hosp. visit necessary.  Many long and unhappy days were spent trying to force down one Ensure after another, mush for supper, and jello or pudding for snacks, hoping these foods would aid in the weight gain that was needed. (having lost 10 pounds within two weeks).

Finally, Jim was on the road to recovery as they say, eventually able to swallow whole foods and gain some of the lost weight back.  Thank you Lord.  His recovery continues.

Now on a happier note I do have some lovely pictures of our back yard covered in snow so pretty.

Taken from the upstairs bathroom...
Can you see our Butler Name on the screen house...
It's always so pretty the first day of snow...
The sky was a beautiful soft Martha Stewart Pink...

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